- A Resource Centre with a collection of approximately 7000 resources volumes with ICT facilities
- Conduct an international seminar in the year 1977 on schools libraries, pedagogical centre and children literature
- Conducted a national seminar on the situation of community based school libraries
- Develop 12 school libraries as models of quality school libraries supported by DANIDA
- Developed around 500 libraries including schools, two earthquakes re -habitation camp and a orphan home. Materials supported by The Danish Association of School Librarians (DASL) and Tribhuwan Universiry Central Library (TUCL), Nepal India library, American library, publishers, friends of NASL etc.
- Conducted a seminar on the role of Information literacy for quality education at the school level
- Conducted s seminar on role if headmaster for quality education
- Conducted a seminar on reading habit development programmes
- Conducted a seminar in children literature for quality writing and publishing children’s book
- Put up an exhibition of other library activities related to school exhibition
- Publication of newsletters interrelation programmes
- Organized different types if rally for advocacy (on foot, bicycle, motor bike)
- Organized different programmes to promote library development on the occasion of library and school library day.
- Participated in different course and seminar nationally and internationally and also presented papers
- Participated to help earthquake affected districts and materials, clothes, food, drinks and organized psychosocial classes etc.
Achieved / Out comes
- Expecting more 500 school libraries will be established
- 500 teacher librarians will be trained
- Providing seminar to 500 head masters, role of headmaster on quality school library development
- Seminar on cooperative planning and teaching strategies by integrating school curriculum with library curriculum and reading habit promotion activities and can plan the assessment involving teacher librarian
- Will be able to produce materials and benefitted from the materials exhibition
- Skills of learning will be achieved
- Can run the library in a systematic manner.