My hearty greetings to all on behalf of NASL!
Today modern children have grown-ups with computers, cell phones, digitalized music, televisions with record features, and music players. Their world is Facebook, free web 3.0, internet surfing, Google, text messaging, YouTube, multi-tasking, WIFI, Wikipedia, and podcasts. This net generation holds high expectations of technology and the information they need. Therefore, there is a need to plan and develop education patterns according to the demand of the age. But at the same time, we should be careful of excessive screen time that hampers a child’s mental and physical health. The right to equal quality education for all children of urban to rural has to be recognized without the gaps between government and private schools, cities, and rural schools. Quality School library programs only can fulfill these gaps through improved instruction and equitable access to resources and services for both types of schools. A school library is the hub of the school that connects the community, and the teacher-librarian (school librarian) plays a coordinator role in the educational process. This vibrant place is central to students’ reading, inquiry, research, thinking, imagination, creativity, social and cultural growth.”
The demand for a modern education system will be fulfilled when we exploit the quality of library services and programs.
The association empowers school leaders to transform teaching and learning that reflect the core values of life, innovation, equity, diversity, inclusion, intellectual freedom, and collaboration.
I have been working for this association since its initiation in 1995.
Our school library program is still in the initial period in our country due to a lack of government policy and support. The NASL’s commitment to this profession is mentionable.
Above all, I pray for the success of the school library, information literacy program, and association.
Sharada (Pandey) Siwakoti