Personal Experiences
Committee member – Student Union 2027 (1971) ……. Bijaya memorial High School
Committee Member- Student Union Padma kanya College 2031 ( 1975)
Volunteer service – Martyrs’ Memorial High School, Gyaneswor-2029-2031(1972-1974)
Adarsha Yog Hari Secondary School- 2032-2036(1975-1980)
Founder Principal : Kshitiz Higher Secondary School (1980)
Executive committee member, Nepal Teacher’s Association, 2036 (1980)
Value of life trainer for school and children – Sai Baba Foundation-2038 (1982)
Life member Character foundation ( Hansada Yog Ashram) Janagal, Banepa. (1982)
Founder director- Mitra Secondary School, Road no.1 Gaur, Rautahat 2048-(1997)
Executive Member- Himalayan Lioness Club in 1988 (2045)
Founder Central Secretary – Private and Boarding School Organization (PABSON), 2047 (1990) The concept of PABSON was initiate by her.
President Sankalpa Lioness club 1989 (2046- 2047)
Founder Central Secretary –Private and Boarding School Organization (PABSON) 1989 2047
Founder Chair- man NASL, 2054 (1997) not 2057 till date
Vice Chairman- Matri Nepal orphan and Disable organization, Bhatkekopul, ktm now Balaju- ktm 2060 (2003) and Advisor till date.
Organization committee member The International Seminar of “The regional Federation of SAARC Library Association (REFSALA), 2062 (2005) supported by NLA, IFLA. UNESCO
Participated in International work shop on “ Information Skills for Learning, Part I- organized by IFLA/ALP and NILIS, Sri Lanka2061 (2004),
Participated on International workshop on Information Skills for Learning Part II (2005) jointly organized by by IFLA/ALP, UNESCO and Department of Library and Information Science , Punjabi University, Patiala, India, – 2062 (2005)
Attended the School Library Association weekend program “School Library: Leading Learning” Glasgow, UK.
International Seminar on Information Literacy Information Literacy and Knowledge Society: Development, Changes and Challenges – 2063, 2006, Kuala Lumpur, , Malaysia.
International workshop on TELE CENTRE 2060 (2003) supported by UNESCO
INASP Workshop on Train the Trainer to support Electronic Resource Usage , International workshop availability of Scientific Publication INASP, UK- Organized by Tribhuwan University 2063 (2006)
National Trainer Living Value Educational Programme, International (LVEP), 2069 (2012)
“National Workshop on ICT in Libraries” Library Management with KOHA, Online Research Networking and Library 2.0, 2060 (2013)
Attended Six months Educational tour to Denmark, Schools and School Library Program, 2052 (1995)
. Participated in many local, Regional, National Workshops and Seminars and Events.
Life Member:
Life Member Unnayan Research Journal ( Achut Raman Regmi)
Life Member TULSSA
Life Member NLA
Life Member Hansada Yog Ashram (Character foundation)
Social work:
Started working for street children and helping needy women, 2032 (1976) ……. She had adapted two street children in her house and provided education personally and providing literacy class to women and teaching children for cleanliness and behavior) this was the beginning of her social work.
Working for SACHETANA KARYAKRAM ( Public awareness Program) to uplift their life and respect as a equal human and advocating the importance of education and Cleanliness in Gausala Pode tole, Kathmandu ( For untouchable cast) 1976 (2032)
Working as a social worker and providing volunteer work to SACHETANA KARYAKRAM to uplift their life and respect as equal human being for untouchable cast in special Pode School ( A school for untouchable cast) in Pode Tole Dhalkoo, Kshetrapati, Kathmandu – 1971 (2031)
Executive member in Education committee – National Deaf Association Nepal 2047( 1989) Develop integrated educational program for deaf and disable children with normal children in her own school and providing education with the help of interpreter in English medium and support attending SLC examination at the first time in Nepal in 2050 ( 1993)
Consultant, Trainer, seminar, work shop and event organizer since 2037, (1981)
See Also: Message from Chairman