To improve education quality in schools by raising awareness among all stake holders;

To develop, maintain and promote school library guidelines; and provides advice for the development of school library programs and the school library profession;

To promote the continuation of training and education among teacher-librarians;

To extend information literacy programs;

To organize activities relating to school libraries and other educational issues;  

To promote the good practice of cooperative planning and teaching;

 To organize seminar on the role of headmasters, parents, teachers, student library club and other stake holders related promoting school library programmes, services, education and technology..

In addition to the vision, mission and core values, NASL has prioritized the following  objectives and activities:

To stress the importance of quality school libraries for the promotion of quality education services.

To help schools establish libraries and expand it to the maximum extent to ensure a bright future for all students and teachers, as well as for the development of overall personality of the pupils and the institution;

To develop competent and professional human resources required in the field of school library development and management.

To promote sharing of resources and networking among similar associations, libraries, information centers, educational institutions, documentation centers ;

To strengthen the relationship with authors of children’s for quality books and support publications;

To conduct training, research, workshops, seminars, talk programme, library out reach programme, excursions, exhibitions and other special educational programmes;

To conduct  survey and set up databases of school libraries for proper statistical records;

To help the Government in developing school library policy; rectifications and implementation guidelines for the betterment of school-level education;

To implement information literacy and information technology programmes ;

To  develop  E –  learning package and  integrate in school library training package;

 To encourage the integration of school library programs in to the instructional and curriculum development of the school;

To organize different programmes and events which uplift innovation   and creativity for all round development of school library profession; and school children;

To advocate the importance of school libraries throughout the country

To promote the publication and dissemination of information about school librarianship;

To support books and other materials to establish school library in different districts;

To provide counseling service to the member schools;

To develop a special reading habit promotion package;

To organize seminar for children literature development programmes;

To develop net working and idea sharing program among national and international likeminded organization.

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